
Monday, October 5, 2015

Baby! Party of 6

Oh hi. Just realized it's been 2 weeks since I've updated. As you can imagine, we've been busy adjusting to life with a new baby again. H was home for two weeks and then my mom came. She just left back to Texas yesterday, so today is actually the second day I'm home by myself with the three during the day. Last week on Monday H went back to work which made it my first day with no help and it went by so smoothly. I was able to pick up Layla from school with no problems and we even went to Target afterwards. Two toddlers and a baby at Target! And we survived! My husband said I was brave. That day I was also able to pick up the house and make dinner. Come Tuesday the day that my mom came Ava flipped a switch. 

She has been having these colic spells every night between the hours of 9 or 10 pm to about midnight or 1 am. She also gets some fussy periods during the day, but still she's much easier than my last two were as newborns. She has her good days and her bad days. Some days she spends most of her time happy and sleeping and some days she has stomach issues and needs a lot of holding. She's exclusively breastfed and it looks like some foods could be the culprit so I've modified my diet to cut out diary and eggs. I'm also trying to avoid gassy foods but I think I messed up yesterday. I had pancakes for breakfast which included some eggs and milk and for dinner I had tacos with a side of beans. We all suffered last night and this morning she was still fussy. She had a doctors appointment last Friday and currently weighs 7 lbs 8 oz. She also turned 3 weeks this past Saturday. I'm in denial that she will be a month once this week ends. It's already going by too fast!


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